Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Indecent proposals..........

Life ain't fun unless you explore every bit of it. Some of the life's biggest joy are the times you fall in love and even more hilarious are times when you really find that courage to ask that special someone out. And you goof up…….
Here are some of such proposals from my real life encounters ( though not necessarily involving me).
Scenario one:
A girl ,say X introduces a guy ,say Y to her boyfriend ,say Z. All three chat for a time ,suddenly Y gets excited and says " This guy sure is your boyfriend but i don't care about him and i still can't get you outta my head. I love just as i did always". The look on her and her boyfriends face just can't be explained but it kinda looked like that of Hillary Clinton when she heard of the Monicka case.
Scenario 2:
A guy secretly loves a girl, who has no clue what so ever of his existence. Finally, he gathers all the courage in the world and walks upto her and says
" I know i love you ,just came here to know if you can love me back."
Scenario 3:
A guy has a bet(a paltry 5 star) with his friends that he can win a girl heart ,he goes over and proposes .The girl considering that , the guy was not only good in studies but was kinda cute too)accepts. ANTICLIMAX that foolish guy shouts right there to his friends some 50 meters away " you guys owe me somethings."
Not to mention it ended right then and there.
Scenario 4 :
Guy proposing to his elder sister's friend " Didi, I love you".
Scenario 5:
Guy walk up to a girl asks " Do you wanna
#@&*ing go around with me?" Unfortunatelly the gal accepted.
Scenario 6:
Guy proposes a girl, she rejects, he turns towards her friend and says " she ain't interested and she is not half as beautiful as you are, what do you say".

P.S Its some scenario's i encountered . intended for fun ,not to hurt anyone and please add your experiences too … to make it more colorful

1 comment:

Achal said...

Great stuff dude! And I just dont mean this one, I read all of them (there arent too many, I know :D)