Wednesday, April 9, 2008

when i decided to quit…….

“To quit smoking is the easiest thing in the world; I have already done that a thousand times”

One fine day, I got up and thought I had enough of this poison killing my lungs and I decided to quit. Not to add, it was obviously not first of such thoughts for I had been smoking close to two packets a day for the last 9 years and had made every effort to make true the above quoted statement.

Great have been the humiliations afflicted on me, every time I have not kept my words (my not so willing a willpower always deserts me in such scenarios). Friends and foes,
lovers and haters, all alike in their undiluted dislike of not so harmless addiction that I took to in my late school years. Smoking was one physical pleasure and an economic extravagance that I gave into.

Though it was my lung and also my father’s hard earned money that going up in puffs, I never before had seen that in the light of the economic impact it has on one’s monthly last week outstanding, until it was both my lungs and my money.

Its not that I have not tried or I did not want to quit, for its all smokers ultimate desire to be a non-smoker one day. However all my earlier attempts came to abrupt halts in the wake of numerous out of the world, so stressing a situation too many, that it needed the immediate healing of what we than called “ the miracular herb” of the nicotine filled dose of a cigarette.

But the fight between the angel in my head and the fiend in my fingers (and my lungs too) had to end. And one fine day I started my ordeal and gave myself an ultimatum that end of year 2008 was my deadline for quitting or else I was seeking professional help. Thank the goodness in the world it did not have to stretch that long and I kicked the cancer stick and its butt (pun intended) for good on one jolly good of a Chennai day.

p.s: This is how my ordeal started and hope to keep you updated on how it goes.

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