Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who the hell says i am fine

Four walls , one door , a window if opened can fill your room with the saddest smell you know , an a/c that makes one hell of a noise and a computer that lacks any brain what so ever, what else can you expect from your life?

People like me expect so much from life. Mental peace,Financial wellbeing ,good health and not too forget a wonderful chick that can spice up your life (as they say health,wealth,prosperity and sex).

All my life people have been telling me to do things (that i never really liked) so that i can have a wonderful career. Now that i have one, it doesn't look so appealing, the reason ,why do i expect so much from my life?

Heath Ledger died,but boy what a job did he do in The Dark Knight, but why am i talking about him, because i m looking forward for that movie .

Chennai is so damn boring .......... all you can do is to jump in the see as the heat will drive you at that.

I just finished reading the last mughal its a terrific book , highly recommended. Buy it when you get a chance.

I sometimes wonder whats the best software available?

My vote is torn between Outlook , Power Point and Excel we Techies would be in uter strait without them.

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