Friday, November 23, 2007

when your mind is at peace but you are not

i am sitting right now in my office at HP ........ doing nothing. Nothing at all....... a few months back i thought .. wished in fact that i get time when i do nothing.

but now that i have, i dont seem to enjoy it infact i feel like i had something to do...... something thats worth doing. Something that exploits you,stretches you ,makes you think, work and prespire.

i dont seriously know the last time when i had a serious work to do. Work this word seems so misleading superflous that i find it so hard to explain.

I have a work that pays me good, takes 9 hours of my not so precious time and i have an office ,a computer and a phone on my desk and my supervisor shouting at the top of her voice right over my shoulder. For all practical purpose it can be mistaken for work.... and all i have met tell me " son THIS is your work "........ and i wonder.

I wonder if its me who is in a deep induced sleep or the sense of insomniac nostalgia that i dont know i am doing ...... or its these people who dont know a JOB from a WORK.

Whatever be the case my search is on and i hope i find teh work i m looking for and till then i guess ill just do my job as i am....... infact writing this blog felt more like work than ........

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